The Grounds Guys of League City, Pearland and Friendswood is all about matching your expectations to fully customize and care for your property’s lawns and flower beds. In order to help you pick out the service that best fits what you want to be done, we offer three different lawn care programs, each with unique benefits. Find the one that is right for you today, or call us to ask for the details from one of our friendly, knowledgeable team members in League City.
You can choose from these three lawn care programs:
- Organic: Today, more people than ever want to go green with all aspects of their lives, including how they care for their property. For truly eco-friendly flower bed and lawn care maintenance, go with our organic option. Using naturally occurring substances from plants, animals, and minerals instead of manufactured chemicals, we can protect and restore your lawns and flower beds. This method is a great option if you have pets and children who might be curious about the vegetation around your property and could come in contact with the materials used. Organic lawn care also promotes a stronger, natural ecosystem in your yard. The trade-off is that these methods usually take longer to start producing visible results.
- Traditional: For quick lawn care options at a competitive price, you will want to go with our traditional lawn and flower bed maintenance program, available throughout League City. This program relies on industry-proven chemicals that we know create results quickly. However, please be aware that exposure to some of these chemicals can be dangerous for people, pets, and wild animals. We also will let you know if traditional lawn care chemicals would not be suited for your property if they pose a threat of microorganism reduction. In other words, if the long-term use of these chemicals would do more harm than good based on your home’s unique properties, then we might suggest something different.
- Hybrid: You can get the best of both worlds by signing up for our hybrid lawn and flower bed maintenance program. We will use organically derived substances wherever possible and whenever quick results are not needed. Where you want to see results sooner than later – such as you need to spruce up the look of your lawn before important guests visit in a few weeks – we can introduce traditional lawn care chemicals. For many of our clients throughout League City, our hybrid program is their favorite choice due to the balance it brings to their property and their budget.
Our Focus on Flower Bed Maintenance
While it might be obvious to you that flower beds and lawns are not equal and therefore require individualized care each, it is not obvious to all of our competitors. We have heard from far too many people about their flower beds being wrecked by a landscaping company that didn’t consider their special needs. When you choose The Grounds Guys of League City, Pearland and Friendswood, you can set those worries aside. Our team is trained and experienced in the art and science behind proper flower bed care.
We will come up with a care plan that does your property’s flower beds right. Each and every flower will be given the best chance at blooming on time and looking radiant throughout its growing season.
Get flower bed maintenance services near you now. Request a FREE consultation with our experts by calling us today!