The heat of summer is too much for many plants to bear. They stop flowering, become scorched, or even completely wither and die under the relentless summer sun. If you love growing things and can’t bear to watch your plants suffer in the heat, bring them inside to enjoy some air-conditioned comfort.
Here are some of the best indoor plants for summer:
African Violet
These flowers are easy to grow and come in many varieties with a wide range of colors and textures. Since African violets do best in relatively cool conditions, bringing them inside is the key to continuous blossoms. Place your potted violets on a sunny windowsill to keep flowers blooming year-round.
Cape Primrose
A cousin of the African violet, Cape primrose is easy to grow indoors. These plants, also known as streptocarpus, come in hundreds of hybrid varieties and a rainbow of colors. They prefer medium to bright light and do well in normal to cooler-temperature rooms.
Peace Lily
Considered easy-care plants, peace lilies tolerate low light and low humidity, making them ideal if you don’t have a good spot with direct sunlight to place indoor plants. Expect the flowers to bloom most heavily during summer and continue to bloom moderately throughout the year. Be aware that peace lilies are poisonous to children and pets, so keep yours out of reach.
A slightly more challenging plant to care for, jasmine is a vining plant you can train into pretty topiaries. The intoxicating fragrance of jasmine flowers combined with its love of humidity could make a bathroom windowsill the perfect place for this indoor plant.
Deep purple leaves make the oxalis stand out from typically green foliage, and pink or white blossoms complement the unique appearance. Place your oxalis on a sunny to partly sunny windowsill for the best results. If the plant starts to overcrowd its pot, you can easily divide it and transplant the new growth.
Golden Pothos
Indoor plants don’t have to blossom to be beautiful. Golden pothos, also known as Devil’s ivy, has uniquely marbled yellow leaves. This plant is particularly known for its air-purifying characteristics, making it a perfect indoor plant for better air quality. Make sure your golden pothos gets plenty of bright, filtered light. This makes the yellow patterns on the leaves become even more pronounced and beautiful.
If you love the bright splash of color geraniums give to your garden, transfer a few to a pot and bring them indoors. Garden and ivy geraniums are the easiest varieties to grow, especially in a cool indoor environment, and they boast vibrant flowers in pink, white, red, purple, and other colors, depending on the variety. The more light they get, the more your geraniums will blossom.
Wax Begonia
Begonias come in an amazing array of types and varieties, from winter-blooming Rieger begonias to upward-growing angel-wing begonias. Wax begonia blossoms have a unique shape and remain relatively low-growing. Their waxy foliage and red, white, or pink flowers make them a beautiful addition to your home. Make sure they receive as much sun as possible for year-round blooms.
Don’t forget to give your indoor plants a little TLC to help them last for many months to come. In the meantime, don’t neglect your outdoor plants, either! Count on The Grounds Guys® for a variety of landscaping services all summer long and as the seasons change. For more useful indoor plant growing tips, or to request a free estimate, please contact The Grounds Guys today.