One of the most important things you can do for your lawn is to feed it with properly scheduled fertilization applications. These feedings differ depending on the time of year:
Late Winter/Early Spring 
Lawns wake up hungry in the spring. Feeding your lawn in the late winter or early spring months strengthens roots and gets it off to a good start before the heavy growing season. If you had crabgrass last year, apply a combination fertilizer with a pre-emergent to control it.
Your grass is busy and using up stored energy. That's why you want to supply the lawn with a feeding designed for this time of year. Unfortunately, broadleaf weeds are actively growing, too. Hit them and feed your lawn with a combination of fertilizer with broadleaf weed control.
Summer is tough on grass because of the stress of heat, drought, foot traffic, and insects. Feeding your lawn in the summer protects and straightens it against these problems. In warm climates, grass should be fed over the summer months as they grow steadily from spring to fall.
Fall brings back ideal conditions for your lawn. Cool nights, ample rainfall and morning dew are just about as good as it gets for grass. Now the lawn is ready to grow again, and is looking for nutrients it needs to recover from summer damage. Applying a final feeding right before winter will strengthen roots and increase nitrogen storage for an early spring green up and a healthier lawn next year.
A well-fed lawn is healthier, which means it has a better root system to combat heat, cold, drought, mowing, foot traffic and other stresses. Call the professionals at The Grounds Guys® to get your personalized fertilization plan outlined to keep your lawn in tip-top shape year-round.
The Grounds Guys Landscape Management 855.204.5272