Hungry deer will eat almost anything. Deer in different regions often have different palates. The deer in your backyard might be the only one in the neighborhood that enjoys gobbling morning-glories.
Deer favorites are often smooth, tender and flavorful plants. Try removing these types of plants or camouflaging them around plants that are poisonous, fuzzy, coarse, spiny, bitter or very aromatic, as deer often steer clear of such plants. Some common deterrents that are spread around plants include: mothballs, thorny branches, hair, decaying fish heads, blood meal, garlic, fabric softener, processed sewage or repellent plants. Other general options include: floodlights, noisemakers, flags, radios, whistles, firecrackers, electric wires, hidden fishing line or sprinklers.
There are deer-defying sprays for plants, such as rotten egg and water, soap spray, hot pepper spray and many types of commercial sprays. You may also considering planting some of their favorite treats in a remote part of your property away from your garden and flowerbeds.
However, one of the most effective ways to deter deer is to use a fence. To keep deer out though a fence should extend partly underground and not have gaps bigger than six inches by 6 inches, where deer can squeeze through or crawl under. Enclose the entire area you wish you remain deer free. Your fence should be at least eight feet high, as many deer can clear this height unless obstacles are near, such as angles netting, tree branches or thorny shrubs, which prevent a clear take-off or landing place.
By using an effective fence around your prized plants your yard may become so much work or of so little interest that the deer won’t bother trying.